Friday 2 January 2015


How was your New Year´s Eve? How did you celebrate the end of the year? It´s kind of a nostalgic feeling to welcome the New Year and reflect what happened in 2014. There were so many events taking place in the past 12 months. Positive things as well as negative ones ;) While my friends and I counted down for the closing seconds of the old year, I thought about those things. 2014 was definitely an eventful year. I passed the school leaving examination in June and took the driving licence. Afterwards I made a trip to the Netherlands for three weeks and finally went on beach holiday in Croatia with my family. In the end of September I moved to Graz in order to study Transcultural Communication. So, there were a lot of significant events taking place…

I love counting down to New Year’s Day in the last minute before the last night of the year ends and the New Year begins. I am excited to see what´s going to happen in 2015! ;)


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