Saturday 27 December 2014


New Year’s Eve. It´s the time when we reflect on the previous year. As we do so, we resolve to do better this next year. Unfortunately, most resolutions are repetitive, year after year. We’re going to lose those extra pounds, exercise more, drink less, be more patient, spend more time with family and friends. What do you think of these types of resolutions? Are they similar to yours? I would say, that they could probably be the same :D … Every year people make those resolutions in order to start kind of a “new life”. It´s always the same in the end: They do not stick to their rules and they live the life they had before. But why?

I have thought about this question…
New Year is a new beginning. Many of us want to start as a slimmer and healthier new person. We want to have a better life and make goals to achieve. Mostly, just after a few weeks later we realize that this has no happy ending. Soon, we return to our old comfortable lives. Are we just too lazy? Or are these goals unrealistic and impossible to achieve? How can we solve this problem!!???

My answer: No more resolutions!
Why making resolutions when we don´t stick to them? There is no point in doing so… If you want to start the year 2015 as a slimmer and healthier person, you should learn how to eat mindfully first. Do not go on another diet. Do not plan to never smoke again. Smoke one or two cigarettes less, then three or four and so on. Our mind needs preparation or practice of the new eating skills and habits. It´s nearly impossible to change everything from one day to another.

I personally let it be different this year. I close the notepad of snap resolutions. There are no start dates and no promises at all! ;) The year 2015 should bring a focus on the process, not on the result!

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